Thought Dump Thursday

It’s been a while since I’ve done a Thought Dump Thursday post, so here we go!

    • Loop-style giveaways. Can we talk about how annoying they are? I understand companies teaming up together to promote their products, but having to click here, then there, and like a bunch of different posts and pages is painful and time consuming. I love entering giveaways but this is my least favourite style and I avoid them.
    • Lady Doritos. If you haven’t heard about what Doritos has in store for us shame-eaters, you’ve probably been living under a rock. In a nutshell, they’re making the bags easier to open (because we’re frail, baby birds with zero dexterity) and the chips are not as crunchy (because we want to shame eat IN SECRET, DAMMIT.) Anyway, this is ridiculous and I’m going to stuff my face with cheese byproduct power regardless of how noisy they are. #eyeroll (Now I hear that Doritos has scrapped this idea. Thank goodness!)
    • I am thankful that I have a 6-month free trial of Amazon Prime because I don’t think I’d ever actually pay for the perks of having 2-day shipping. Very rarely do I actually receive my packages within 2 days of ordering, and one time I had to wait a whole week. I’ll definitely be cancelling my membership once my trail period ends.
    • Did anyone else find Justin Timberlake’s performance to be rather underwhelming at the Super Bowl Halftime Show? I mean, it was entertaining enough, but there have been far more exciting shows recently. (Lady Gaga and Bruno Mars, to name a couple.) Maybe he was trying to play it safe after NippleGate 2004 (Wikipedia link for those who live under rocks), but I expected a bit more. I will admit that I’m definitely loving his new album though.
    • Can someone please explain to me why there’s a $0.50 price difference between these two packs of iron-on clothing labels? Same brand, same quantity, the only thing that’s different are the colours:


  • I would like to go out and say openly that no television show in the history of me watching television shows has made me ugly cry more than This is Us. I am emotionally attached to every damn character in that show (except for you, Miguel) and my husband is probably questioning my mental state of mind. Still, if you watch this show and haven’t felt ALL THE FEELS, there’s something wrong with YOUR state of mind, haha.

What’s on your mind today? DUMP IT OUT in the comments!

One thought on “Thought Dump Thursday

  1. Ha ha I just bought This is Us season 2 on iTunes and I’m loving it!! Also I LOVE my amazon prime membership. I get diapers, toilet paper and even laundry detergent all delivered right to my door. It almost always arrives when it says it will except for around the holidays so that is weird yours has been so late! I even ordered coffee off amazon the other day when Walmart was sold out of McDonalds coffee. Also the less I actually have to go out and about and run errands these days the better. ha



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