Nothing to see here

Quite literally.

Checking back, I haven’t posted a single word since January(!), and I don’t even feel particularly sorry about that. For whatever reason, today is the day where I finally felt like I had the time and energy to pop in and say hello and give a quick update.

Life has been good.

My job has been keeping me busy and I’m so very grateful for it! I have very few complaints (aside from the AC breaking down this week during our current heat wave) and I can’t say enough about how perfect it fits in with our family’s lives.

The girls have been AMAZING. They are now officially on summer break and we are SO happy that they had a full school year of in-class learning, with not a single Exposure of, well, you know, at their school. We are excited for September to come already!

Isla has been dancing her heart out over the past year and Kyle and I are both super proud of how much she has embraced her passion. She’s been able to take part in a lot of great opportunities and they continue to pop up for her.

Norah has grown SO much since kindergarten started in September; both Kyle and I were shocked by her teacher’s comments in her final report card and we’re so amazed by her every day. She continues to be such a wonderful light in our lives.

Kyle and I celebrated 10 years of marriage last month and while we were originally going to celebrate by going to the lake by ourselves, we ended up taking the girls (and Lars) for the weekend and they had the BEST time. It was definitely worth it and I’m so glad we did. (Except for when we came across a family of bears while walking the dog. That was not ideal, to say the least!)

I am now considered to be fully vaccinated and with BC’s rules and regulations lifting it feels so good to be able to do “normal” things. The girls were able to have actual birthday parties with friends this year and I’m so thankful for that. I hope the population continues to be smart about their health so we can continue on this positive change of events.

One of my closest friends had a baby last month (on Kyle and I’s anniversary, actually), and she is the most lovely little human ever! I should also add that her and her husband both moved back to Kamloops and it’s been so wonderful having them here again. (Also, it makes getting newborn snuggles much easier too, I won’t lie.)

A local trail race organization was able to host a live, in-person race last month and it was SO GOOD to have that vibe again! It was brutally hot and I definitely suffered from heat exhaustion afterward, but it was still great to have these events back for real again.

I won’t deny that there have been a couple of downs here and there, but for the most part they aren’t even worth dwelling upon. I’m not one to be all hashtag: Blessed but overall that’s kind of what it feels like!

So there you go – I’m alive and very well and hope you are too! (The former, especially!)

Tell me something good going on in your life in the comments!

TGIF v.57

A high of the week was celebrating Kyle’s birthday! He was able to have a couple of driveway visits with family and friends, and the girls spoiled him with presents and love! Now the countdown is on to my own … womp womp, haha.

A low of the week was  discovering my tire had a slow leak. Ugh! I took it in to get checked out, and the technician pulled out out 1″ wood screw. Thankfully it was an easy fix and I was able to get in my way.

An internet find I loved was The Talking Dogs podcast, brought to you by the fine folks of The Dogist. I haven’t been into podcasts overall, but this one is one that had me in stitches the majority of the time.

The best money I spent was on a cargo tray from my new car. Now I don’t have to worry about muck and water destroying the inside. Oh yeah – and I bought a new car! (Just a minor detail there, ha!) I increased the size of my Mom-mobile and got a Mazda CX-5 and I’m in loooooove with it!

My favourite Isla and/or Norah moment has been playing Just Dance with them after dinner. I have the most awkwardly horrible Mom moves, but we usually have a blast!

A song that has been stuck in my head is “Cover Me in Sunshine” by Pink, which features her daughter. Really, it’s the sweetest little song and I’m currently obsessed.

My notable meals of the week was the Spicy California Roll I had for lunch yesterday. I’ve been craving one for weeks now and when we ordered lunch into work I had to jump at the opportunity.

My plans for the weekend are not set in stone, but I’m really hoping to enjoy some fresh air and the warmer weather. I’ll fully admit that I’m a warm-weather runner and am looking forward to getting off the dang treadmill and outside more.