TGIF v.57

A high of the week was celebrating Kyle’s birthday! He was able to have a couple of driveway visits with family and friends, and the girls spoiled him with presents and love! Now the countdown is on to my own … womp womp, haha.

A low of the week was  discovering my tire had a slow leak. Ugh! I took it in to get checked out, and the technician pulled out out 1″ wood screw. Thankfully it was an easy fix and I was able to get in my way.

An internet find I loved was The Talking Dogs podcast, brought to you by the fine folks of The Dogist. I haven’t been into podcasts overall, but this one is one that had me in stitches the majority of the time.

The best money I spent was on a cargo tray from my new car. Now I don’t have to worry about muck and water destroying the inside. Oh yeah – and I bought a new car! (Just a minor detail there, ha!) I increased the size of my Mom-mobile and got a Mazda CX-5 and I’m in loooooove with it!

My favourite Isla and/or Norah moment has been playing Just Dance with them after dinner. I have the most awkwardly horrible Mom moves, but we usually have a blast!

A song that has been stuck in my head is “Cover Me in Sunshine” by Pink, which features her daughter. Really, it’s the sweetest little song and I’m currently obsessed.

My notable meals of the week was the Spicy California Roll I had for lunch yesterday. I’ve been craving one for weeks now and when we ordered lunch into work I had to jump at the opportunity.

My plans for the weekend are not set in stone, but I’m really hoping to enjoy some fresh air and the warmer weather. I’ll fully admit that I’m a warm-weather runner and am looking forward to getting off the dang treadmill and outside more.

TGIF v.56

It’s been a while since I’ve done a TGIF post! Here’s to the weekend!

A high of the week was making my Halloween costume! I usually do something simple (last year I painted spots on a red shirt and was a ladybug), so I went DIY again this year! I’ll leave it a surprise for now, but the girls’ are characters from Super Mario, so I’ll let you guess from there.

A low of the week was non-existent! Overall it was a pretty good week!

An internet find I loved was not necessarily something I found this week, but I’ve been watching a lot of Brian Shaw’s YouTube channel. (He’s a Strongman competitor and his videos are pretty hilarious sometimes!)

The best money I spent was the $5 (if that) on materials to make my Halloween costume!

My favourite Isla and/or Norah moment was getting Norah’s preschool photo proofs back! Funny story – the photos weren’t supposed to be taken until next week but the photographer showed up out of the blue on Tuesday. (Of course, Norah didn’t bother to tell me this happened.) Thankfully she wasn’t dressed like a second child (i.e., she was wearing a shirt that WASN’T a hand-me-down) and her teacher helped tame her hair. (Bless her!) Her photos turned out pretty good, so now comes the fun task of choosing which ones to order!

A song that has been stuck in my head is “Bury a Friend” by Billie Eilish. I blame Isla’s dance class because it’s been their warmup song for dance this month and it’s stuck in her head too. (Insert evil laughter!)

My notable meals of the week was the roast beef Thanksgiving dinner Kyle and I cooked on Monday. It was a great turkey alternative and it was nice to have a little family dinner before the week started again.

My plans for the weekend are a visit with my dad, yardwork, and *maybe* Christmas card photos if the weather cooperates!

TGIF v.55

Oof. I’m so glad it’s Friday today, even if it is pouring outside. Here’s a little TGIF post to celebrate the end of this crazy week!

A high of the week was celebrating Halloween with the girls! Isla and Norah both dressed up as Violet from The Incredibles and had the best time trick or treating. My mom came and joined us, so it was nice to have backup as they ventured from house to house.


I also got the proofs for Isla’s school photos back, and they look great! (But also – why do they have to be so dang expensive? Once Norah’s in school I’m going to have to sit down and calculate if buying a digital copy and printing them elsewhere will be better financially.)

A low of the week was Norah getting bonked in the nose by an empty swing seat. She swelled up and bruised pretty good and has a decent raspberry, but she didn’t break her nose so that’s a plus. I was hoping to take our Christmas card photos soon, but I suppose that will have to wait until the raspberry is at least healed enough to easily photoshop away.


Day 0: It looks worse in person.

Also, I got rear-ended yesterday so that was a hoot. In a nutshell, I was waiting at a yield sign to enter onto the highway and the guy behind me thought I was going and hit the back of my car. I have a bit of whiplash, and my car has a hole in the bumper and a busted taillight, but otherwise everything is okay. Norah was with me but she’s fine. (She was more concerned about me not chauffeuring her home where the cartoons I promised her awaited.)

An internet find I loved was this meme:

The best money I spent was some Christmas shopping items that happened to be on sale. I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around shopping for Christmas, but I’m getting there. I have may more fun buying stocking items than I do with the “big” items.

My favourite Isla and/or Norah moment was taking them Trick or Treating. After Norah was done at a house she’s sprint down the driveway and yelling, “I GOT TRICK OR TREATS!” It was pretty hilarious.

Oh, and Isla lost another tooth! She proudly pulled it out herself too, after not letting me try for a whole week. Now she’s out of wiggly teeth and the Toothfairy gets a little break from visiting our house. ;)

A song that has been stuck in my head is everything Ru Paul. Is that weird? Probably.

My notable meals of the week were the homemade pizzas I made on Sunday. I finally bought fresh yeast so the crust was so much better than it usually is! (Fun fact: Yeast that has been opened for 3 years still works, just not as well.)

My plans for the weekend are relaxing, for the most part, and then some friends are coming over Saturday night for a mini games night!

Have you started Christmas shopping?