Weekend Update

Happy Monday, everyone! This past weekend was a productive and busy one in our household!

When Kyle came home from work Wednesday evening he surprised me by telling me he had taken the next day off! He’s been working so hard at work lately, so it was well-deserved for him and Isla and I loved having him home for an extra day!

We spent most of the day outside enjoying the fresh air and sunshine. (Well, Isla and Kyle did. I sat in the shade because pregnancy + heat = misery.) Kyle started demolishing our shed as we have contractors coming at the end of this week to build a new retaining wall and fence for us.

My mom came and picked Isla up for her usual Thursday visit, so Kyle and I headed out to The Keg for an early anniversary dinner! We’ll be celebrating 4 years of marriage on Thursday this week, but since he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to get that day off, we thought we’d celebrate early. Yay!

After dinner we had some time to kill before picking up Isla, so I made a stop in Carter’s/Osh-Kosh to pick up some pj’s for Isla and another outfit for Baby N – she’s gotta have a couple outfits that are new to her, right? ;)

Isla fell asleep on the way home, so Kyle and I watched a movie we had recorded on the PVR before heading to bed ourselves.

Kyle’s uncle came over first thing in the morning and he and Kyle started ripping down our old fence and the remainder of the shed! It really didn’t take them long at all and it’s going to look and be SO amazing when the work is all said and done. Kyle’s mom, step-dad and grandparents eventually arrived to help disassemble the makeshift allan block wall and took the blocks to his mom’s place.

I had a hair appointment Friday morning – my last one before I have this baby, so I had a little extra taken off! I was supposed to have a doctor’s appointment too, but his office called and said he wasn’t coming in; he had been up the past two nights in a row delivering six(!) babies, so he needed sleep! He said June was going to be busy for him, but maybe those six May deliveries freed up the month for him a little ;)

Isla had her first of two dance recitals in the afternoon, but we spent the morning out in the yard puttering.

When it was finally time to get ready for Isla’s recital, I’m fairly certain that I was more nervous that Isla was. She ended up doing SO great on stage though! The 2-year olds were so adorable and they definitely got the best response out of the audience as far as reactions go. (A lot of “Awwww”‘s could be heard!)


After coming home and getting Isla out of her dance gear, we headed down to his mom’s for barbecued hamburgers with his family.

Isla had her 2nd recital that afternoon, but the morning was relatively slow-going before we headed out to do our grocery shopping for the week. Then after lunch, it was time for the recital! My mom came with me to this show, (Kyle’s mom, aunt & uncle, and my dad & his girlfriend went to Saturday’s show), and afterwards we headed out for frozen yogurt to celebrate Isla’s performance.

She has her last “class” (which is actually photo day) on Tuesday, and that’s if for the summer! Classes don’t resume until September, so she has all summer to practice everything she’s learned, haha.

So yeah, our weekend was full of both productivity and fun! This week is already shaping up to be a busy one as well; I have something going on every day this week and the contractors are arriving Friday to start working on our wall. Basically, I have no time to think about the fact that I could give birth any day now ;)

How was your weekend???

4 thoughts on “Weekend Update

  1. Isla is such an adorable ballerina! I love the picture of her with her flowers – she looks so grown up :) Our weekend was busy too – we went to the dinosaur exhibit at the local science centre, went to a good-bye party for friends who are moving in a couple of weeks, had a date night (!!), and I got to go shopping without the littles. I spent WAY too much money, but it was fun :)


  2. Omigod Isla in her little ballerina outfit with her bouquet KILLS me. She is SO CUTE!!! Glad you guys had a wonderful weekend. It was so freaking hot. Haha



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