Dating in the Digital Age

Image from We <3 It

I think that if for whatever reason, if Kyle and I were to break up and I had to start dating again, I’d have no idea how to start. For one, I’d have to be less of a bitch to guys in bars.

And then, and probably the biggest thing is that, there was no such thing as text messaging when we started dating. Or Facebook. We had MSN Messenger and land-line telephones. We would talk on MSN for an hour or so maaaaybe and then talk on the phone for hours some nights. Other than talking in person, talking on the phone is probably the next best thing for me. You can hear a person’s emotions and express yourself better and more clearly.

Today, everything is about Facebook and text messaging it seems. I can’t remember where I read it, (but I swear it was from a reliable source) but they say that couples who only communicate via text or online when they’re not together are not as emotionally connected.

Really, that doesn’t surprise me. Emotions can be hard to read when it’s just black and white text on a screen. For example, if I tell you, “I hate you, stupid blog readers! Why do you bother with this shit??” you don’t know if I’m serious or joking. (Of course, I’m joking! LAAV YOU LOOONG TIME!!)

The Roommate and C never talk on the phone. They’re main form of communication is text messaging and I sometimes wonder how in touch they actually are. I asked them one day if they’ve actually talked on the phone, and they hadn’t. Then I ask how they have serious conversations, and they say in person, but I don’t know if they got what I meant. They were probably thinking, “Liberal or Conservative”, while I was thinking, “Where is our relationship going?”

Maybe I’m just being weird, but if I really liked someone, I’d like talking on the phone with them. Even now, Kyle and I both text each other, but if we really want to have a conversation, we talk on the phone, even if it’s just for 5 minutes. You can communicate more, and better, in a shorter period of time.

I don’t think I’d make it in the dating world today. Sure, Facebook and texting is good in the beginning, but when I want to have a serious conversation, I want the real deal.

4 thoughts on “Dating in the Digital Age

  1. I wouldn’t be able to handle it either. Where do people meet other people??? I couldn’t handle meeting guys in clubs.

    T and I used to talk on the phone. It was cute and sweet and a little awkward.

    We’ve never communicated online, though – I’m talking msn, facebook. I grew out of msn really fast, and he didn’t even get an FB account until this year.


  2. It definately is a difficult thing to do now and I have no idea where to start but I always think that the right person will be in the right place at the right time and too much thought on the matter just makes me worry about nothing :)

    I never really thought of the phone in that way. I always hated them but now I have realised that when you’re already close to someone the phone is a useful communication device :)


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  4. Dating sucks anyway and adding all of these other layers of communication makes it so much tougher. There’s this scene in the movie “he’s just not that into you” where Drew Barrymore’s character is complaining about how many differents mediums that she can be broken up with via… totally true!



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